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主要用途:Main application
本機用于醫藥、化工、食品等行業的規則顆粒進行整粒,取得大小均勻一致的顆粒,也可對干燥的塊狀物料進行破碎或整粒,增加顆粒的流動性。本機主要有整粒刀、整粒轉籠、整粒箱體、傳動裝置等組成,密閉式整粒箱,杜絕粉塵飛揚,采用變頻調速,適應不同物料的整粒要求,所有與物料接觸部分均可以快速拆裝,清洗方便,無衛生死角,所有與物料材質選用 SUS304 不銹鋼制作,符合 GMP 要求。
This machine is used for granulaling regular parlicles in induslries such aspharmaceulicals, chemicals, and lood lo oblain unilormly sized parlicles. ll canaso crush or granulale dry bock maleriaks lo increase parlicle flowabilily.Thismachine mainly consisls of a whole grain culler, a whole grain rolary cage, awhole grain box body, a lransmission device, elc. ll is a closed whole grain box loprevenl dusl from flying. ll adopls variabke frequency speed regulalion lo adapl lolhe whole grain requiremenls of differenl malerials. All parls in conlacl wilhmalerials can be quickly disassembled and cleaned, wilh no hygiene deadcorners.All maleriak are made or SUS30d slainless sleel, which meels GMP requiremenls.
主要特點Main characteristics
*整粒網變頻無極調速;可調范圍 0-500r/min)
Whole grain grid variable frequency infinite speed regulation;Adjustable range (0-500r/min)
*整粒網可選范圍 0.6-10 毫米
The optional range for whale mesh is 0.6-10 millimeters
The whole granulation pmcess operates in a fully enclosed mannerwithout any dust flying.
The whole granulation process has low heat generation, fastdischarge, and high yield of finished products.